Friday 17 March 2017

The Impact of Changing The Laws to Mankind (Holy Bible)

Previously, we've discussed about the verses which changed the laws brought by Jesus and other previous Prophets in this article Did Saint Paul Change Laws in the Holy Bible?

In this article, we want to analyse the impact on changing these laws. There's a reason why God wanted the law to reach us and the outcome of following the laws will always benefit humankind, whereas ignoring it only bring disadvantages to us.

What Jesus said:

Matthew 5:17-18

(17) Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them

(18) For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

What Saint Paul said:

Galatians  3:13 - Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole."

Do we follow the word of Jesus Christ or do we follow the word of a Saint? Which has the priority? If both verses have the same intention, we can follow both, however, Biblical scholars will agree that we have to prioritized Jesus words first (the ones with red text) if the intentions are different.

Let's analyse here point by point on the impact of changing the law

1. Mankind will get too comfortable

But when people are too comfortable they will feel not convenient to follow the law and they will use Jesus words and find excuses to make the law not needed anymore like eating clean food law, etc. Why human do this? So they find an easier route out from having to follow the laws. At the end of the human generations, they will not do what Jesus and other prophets do and follow their own law. But as the verse above, Jesus said clearly that we can't change the law.

2. Mankind future generations will boast and law will fade

When reading the New Testament, people will have the impression that the law is not needed anymore, therefore, they will not do what Jesus and other Prophets before him did. The future generations will say (and they will not realize they're indirectly boasted), I will not have to pray like Jesus and previous Prophets did, I can eat food that Moses and his followers can't, I will not have to cover my hair like previous people did, etc because Jesus Christ has redeemed us and you can do whatever you want.

Try to think and go back and read Matthew 5:17 and you'll realize Jesus said do not change the law.

Why women during the time of Jesus wear head covers?

Why women in Othordox Christian church wear head covers today?

The answer will be, they followed the law, and generations today, because of Saint Paul said the law is cursed and no longer needed, Jesus has redeemed you and do as you will. Nowadays, you will not see much women still wearing head scarf in churches or public places.

Deuteronomy 14:8 - The pig is also unclean; although it has a divided hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses.

Why do Jews and Muslim prevent themselves from eating pork?

Do they follow the law of the Bible? What about people that consume them today?

Exodus 20: 4 - You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

Why in some churches we can find images and statues of Jesus. Does the law fade away?

Why don't a single Jew Temple or a Muslim Mosque have Images of God or anything from the heavens? Do they follow the law of the Bible?

As a conclusion, God is like a Father to humankind, God gave the law to mankind for a reason. Let's say as parents, we have kids and we told them there's a law but if you're righteous you don't have to follow the law. In the long run, the kids will get comfortable and at the end do whatever they want according to their will and won't follow anything that we'll say. The ending will always be negative to the kids.

If you try see this at a bigger picture, you might be able to see the impact of changing the laws for humankind.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I did some research, Saint Paul was trying to preach the Jews but they don't accept his idea, so he decided to go preach Gentiles which is mostly Romans during that time. Saint Paul, wanted to spread the teaching but worry the Gentiles will not follow him because scared of the law, so he said law is not important. All Jesus Apostle including Barnabas and Peter disagree with Paul, therefore Paul travel to spread to the Romans.

    As we see here, Paul dislike Barnabas in this chapter he wrote

    Galatians 2:13 - The other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led astray.

    We also know that Barnabas is also known as Joseph as mentioned in below verse.

    Acts 4:36 - Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means "son of encouragement"),

    After that religion of Christian spreads in many beliefs, some believed follow the law, some not, some believe Jesus is God, some believe he is a Prophet, etc.

    In the year 313 A.D., Constantine became the Emperor of the Roman Empire. Under his rule, he organized the Council of Nicaea and officially made everyone within the Empire to be known as a Christian, whether they accepted Christ as their Savior or not. Year 325 A.D was the 1st Nicene Creed was made and declared Jesus officially Son of God. All the Bible law was discussed and finalized and an official Nicene Creed in the year 381 A.D which produces the current Bible Law which people follow until today. Many Christians were quite satisfied with this new rule, but others were unhappy about this ‘forced’ believe Christianity.

    More details about Council of Nicaea are here:


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    1. A lot of people today treat the law as not important as they are old and only for the Jewish People. Because now is Jesus Christ time, Christ has redeemed and died for us.

      As I've written in my post Impact of Law Not Important here people will not follow the law at the end. If they follow, they will already follow old laws since Abraham times i.e fasting, not eat pork, sahah, etc but why they don't because, as time goes by, they will argue using this verse, they will take shortcut and say we are not under the law, we are free to do what we want on earth. their idea will grow strong and protect this idea don't want to follow law but at the end Jesus want us to follow the law.

      And from the History until now, most important we need to see which people in the world has followed Jesus law and ways and which people has followed the new way of law is not important, Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming curse for us.

    2. Also, no matter how nice and loving people a person is, what if he breaks the law? We need to focus on the law first whether he broke the law or not. That is most important not too see if this person is nice or not.

      Because a nice person may look nice but can lead people into a big hole. That's why we have to check whether he broke any law or not.
